Monday, January 5, 2009

Soul Immersion

Soul Immersion
28 x 34 x 2
Oil on Wood Box

Soul Immersion is another of my favorites. The intensity and wisdom that comes through really engage me. I thought it was interesting to paint his black coat. It's amazing that there actually isn't any black in it.

I have mainly paint figurative. When I pick up the brush again, which could be soon, I will be as curious as anyone as to what will come out.

I don't always paint on wood but I must say I really enjoy it. I like how the paint glides as opposed to canvas where it takes more "work " just to get the paint on.

Some of the paintings that I will share are available and some  are from my Private Collection. If anyone is interested in a particular piece just leave a comment and we can have a dialog.

I hope you have enjoyed the first two of many.

Artist known as bWik

In The Park
18 x 48 x 2
Oil on Wood Box

Today begins my sojourn into my personal world of art. I have been painting on and off for years. At one point I painted for 4 straight years and had a gallery in Laguna Beach, California. I must add that I haven't painted for several years due to my interior design schedule not allowing for the distraction.

The "bWik" on my blog is my Artist name. That has changed several times over my artist career, as you might notice on paintings that I display in the future. I get a kick out of the different ways I've signed in the past and thank god, I have settled on bWik. It's easier to paint the letters when they're straight rather than rounded. Also Wik is my maiden name, so it all comes together.

In The Park is a fun, whimsical piece that really strikes at my heart. I love the abstract quality. I call it a contemporary piece even though it has figures. Currently I have it above my fireplace. This piece has been in several shows and I'm thrilled to have it in my home. Paintings become like pets to me and I'm very happy to have custody.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The World of Blogging seems to be taking off exponentially. With so many businesses going by the wayside, the Building Industry is kaput, Retail Stores struggling, Banks going under, Newspapers hurting, Wallstreet faltering on and on you've heard it all.

My personal field of Interior Design was greatly affected by the Building Industry. My employment history is with model home design. The last several years I returned to my favorite, residential design, and opened South Street Interior Design.  The three major companies I had worked for, designing model homes, either closed their doors, picked up a little work in China, or are hanging on way past when they should have cut their losses. These were MAJOR firms. I thought for once I was ahead of the curve.

My schedule was booked 18 months in advance. My "monied" clients could and would continue with their plans regardless of what the other poor suckers were going through. They couldn't be touched by a little market downturn. However, no delusion lasts forever. And to my  dismay, I found my projects being put on hold until the economic dust settled. So much for sitting pretty.

This brings me to the world of BlogSpot. It's my belief that the world is going through a paradigm shift and we have to revisit how we see "business as usual". The computer has definitely changed how we do business, shop, seek entertainment, medical advice, etc. Search Engines are at our fingertips for our immediate needs and pleasures. But how do you make a living?  We have all heard of the superstars of the internet but what about the average Joe?

That's the challenge of 2009. Brick and mortar has run it's course, at least for now. Some business's have come to realize they are better suited for the cyber jungle. At least that's what I'm exploring now.

So, I will be writing design articles, among other topics I find interesting. Please visit my website If you have any questions you may leave a comment on this page or email me through my website. I look forward to your return.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm still trying to figure out how to format my blog. So hopefully, I'll improve with each attempt.

Anyway I thought this was my last chance to appreciate my Christmas Decor.
I have come to realize that Christmas decorations evolve with time and as your family grows up and moves out, you're tastes change. Mine have anyway. No more painted cookie ornaments that look like your first dog. That one went to my son. 

I divided the ornaments between my children. You know, the ones  that were so dear and sentimental to my family. They couldn't understand why I would forsake their childhood for a more contemporary tree. That dog ornament that was so special to my son, he now admits that he has "lost it". As a matter of fact I don't think any of the "treasured" ornaments have made it to their own trees.

I did keep some of the later year's ornaments for our "vacation home" tree. We, as of yet, don't actually have a vacation home, but when we do I'll be ready.

A divorce attorney once told me that when women leave their husbands, and time is of the essence to collect a few things, the majority of women chose to take their Christmas decorations.

I can certainly believe this, knowing what a labor of love goes into the process. Each year as I open the storage boxes I get so excited to see the "sale" additions I added the year before.

I'm sure I'll keep changing, because I'm a designer and that's what I do. Always something new, but classic treasures from the past will always hold a place in my heart.

So out with the old and on to the New Year - Cheers - and may your happiest times be ahead of you.