Friday, January 2, 2009

The World of Blogging seems to be taking off exponentially. With so many businesses going by the wayside, the Building Industry is kaput, Retail Stores struggling, Banks going under, Newspapers hurting, Wallstreet faltering on and on you've heard it all.

My personal field of Interior Design was greatly affected by the Building Industry. My employment history is with model home design. The last several years I returned to my favorite, residential design, and opened South Street Interior Design.  The three major companies I had worked for, designing model homes, either closed their doors, picked up a little work in China, or are hanging on way past when they should have cut their losses. These were MAJOR firms. I thought for once I was ahead of the curve.

My schedule was booked 18 months in advance. My "monied" clients could and would continue with their plans regardless of what the other poor suckers were going through. They couldn't be touched by a little market downturn. However, no delusion lasts forever. And to my  dismay, I found my projects being put on hold until the economic dust settled. So much for sitting pretty.

This brings me to the world of BlogSpot. It's my belief that the world is going through a paradigm shift and we have to revisit how we see "business as usual". The computer has definitely changed how we do business, shop, seek entertainment, medical advice, etc. Search Engines are at our fingertips for our immediate needs and pleasures. But how do you make a living?  We have all heard of the superstars of the internet but what about the average Joe?

That's the challenge of 2009. Brick and mortar has run it's course, at least for now. Some business's have come to realize they are better suited for the cyber jungle. At least that's what I'm exploring now.

So, I will be writing design articles, among other topics I find interesting. Please visit my website If you have any questions you may leave a comment on this page or email me through my website. I look forward to your return.

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